聚焦国际组织( V )—— 隐形治理:国际组织间关系的非正式秩序
时间:2022-05-20 来源:对外事务办公室作者:
讲座主题:隐形治理:国际组织间关系的非正式秩序(Invisible Governance: Informal Practices of Ordering in Inter-Organizational Relations)
ZOOM 会议号:886 2046 0472
主讲人:Guy Fiti Sinclair(新西兰奥克兰大学求一个安全的网赌网站副教授)
Guy Fiti Sinclair is an Associate Professor at Auckland Law School. He holds degrees in history and law from the University of Auckland, and a JSD from New York University School of Law. His principal area of research and teaching is public international law, with a focus on the history and theory of international law, international organizations, and international economic law. Dr. Sinclair is the author of To Reform the World: International Organizations and the Making of Modern States (Oxford University Press, 2017), which was awarded the European Society of International Law Book Prize in 2018. He is currently working on a project about how the relations among international organizations shape international economic law and order, supported by a Marsden Fast Start Grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand.
In most accounts of inter-organizational relations in international law and international relations, international organizations (IOs) are taken to be unitary, ‘real’ and ‘solid’ actors. The talk will outline and adopt a different perspective, analysing IOs as assemblages-in-action, comprising heterogeneous elements which are cobbled together in an ongoing and improvisational way. In this view, IOs – and even more so, the relations among them – are constituted via a vast series of associations through practices of strategic, physical, and linguistic translation. Drawing on original archival research, the talk will illustrate this mode of analysis through a case study of efforts to manage the relations among IOs in the mid 1960s, when anxieties about institutional fragmentation drove efforts to re-constitute the international ‘system’. The talk will highlight the agency of mid-tier international civil servants as they grappled with the uncertainties inherent in inter-organizational relations.