Charles Kenji Whitehead
时间:2015-01-15 来源:作者:
Charles Kenji Whitehead
Courses Taught: Corporate law-merger and acquisition
Visiting Time: 2013
Title: Professor, Cornell University Law School
1986 Columbia Law School, JD
1983 Bachelor of Art, Cornell University
Professional Experience:
2009-Present Board member, Millennium Danatama Group Asia
2009-Present Vice-president, ABA International Stock and Capital Market Committee
2009-Present Associate-professor, professor, Cornell University Law School
2006-2009 Associate-professor, Boston University
2004-2006 Management and Research Centre of Columbia Law School Corporate
1997-2004 Officer Citi Group Tokyo Branch
1997-2004 Member Citi Group International Corporations and Investment Bank Committee
1997-2004 Board member, general manager, and advanced legal adviser Salomon Smith Barney Japan
1993-1997 Board member, general manager, and legal adviser Nomura Holdings
1987-1993 Attorney, Sullivan&Cromwell